Thursday, November 28, 2019

Light Pollution free essay sample

Global Context of Nursing Paper NURS 4100 Section M March 31, 2010 York University Global Context of Nursing Paper: Light Pollution Over the past decade evidence has been mounting that excessive outdoor lighting is not only an aesthetic issue, but a potentially hazardous environmental one as well (Berg, 2009). Research has shown that excessive lighting is directly responsible for the exponentially growing problem of light pollution (Chepesiuk, 2009). The negative effects of light pollution have been well documented in humans, animals and the overall eco-system (Berg, 2009; Chepesik, 2009). In fact, a compelling amount of epidemiological evidence points to a consistent association between exposure to excessive light and a plethora of related health ailments. Luckily, according to Berg (2009), light pollution is one of the easiest pollutants to reduce. As such, it is imperative that immediate steps be taken in eradicating this solvable issue, as disregarding it will only exacerbate the effects it has on us and the non-human citizens of our planet. We will write a custom essay sample on Light Pollution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The following paper will explore the issue of light pollution, based on the frameworks, analyses, discussions, and evaluations embedded in the philosophy of this course. It will discuss the issue, evaluate it based on the global context of nursing and conclude with our intentions for action. As nurses comprise of the largest group of healthcare providers, it is imperative that they continuously strive to improve health within the global community (Leuning, 2001). As today’s world is extremely fast paced and ever changing, in order for nurses to fully participate within the current healthcare arenas, they too must adapt to the ever changing dynamics of this world. The present challenge for nurses lies in the fact that nursing education must create teaching-learning environments which facilitate the emergence of the global perspective and the awareness of the interconnectedness between us, and the other inhabitants of this world. As such, Leuning (2001) proposes her teaching-learning principles, derived from her conceptualizations, with the aim of facilitating this global perspective. The predominant principle pertaining to the issue of light pollution is the principle of peacemaking, as it speaks of respect for all others on this earth, as well as for the earth itself. According to Leuning (2001), despite the inherent differences within our belief and value systems, peacemaking assumes that people will nevertheless honor each other’s dignity, respect and use the Earth’s resources fairly and responsibly, as well as value all other life. As the issue of light pollution disregards all aspects of this principle, it is best illuminated here. As the greedy corporations around the world show utter disrespect and carelessness toward the human and non-human inhabitants of this world, by negatively impacting their health via lighting, the peacemaking principle is clearly omitted. Despite the noted damaging effects, people continuously choose to ignore the message behind this principle and consciously persist to damage the surrounding sentient life. Not only does light pollution attribute to the depletion of our resources, as a result of wasteful fossil fuel consumption (U. S. Energy Information Administration, 2010), it also leads to many dysfunctions within the human body, as well as negatively impacts both animals and plants (Navara amp; Nelson, 2007; Longcore amp; Rich, 2004). In spite of these findings, those profiting from lighting continue to carry on, neglecting their responsibilities as the citizens of this world, and as such persist to harm the species and dishonour human dignity. According to the Ottawa Charter (1986) and Jakarta Declaration (1997), certain fundamental resources and conditions must be initially in place, prior to health being present. Unfortunately, the issue of light pollution has created a circumstance where the attainment of health for all is virtually impossible. Light pollution has created such instability within the eco-system, that the non-human citizens are now being impacted daily by its horrific effects. Longcore and Rich (2004) have concluded that the sky glow resulting from artificial lighting leads to alterations in reproductive activities, predator/prey interactions, as well as in orientation capabilities. Such alterations have the ability to result in large-scale ecological changes, and impact the survival capabilities of key species within the environment. In addition, a basic human right, the right to health, is also being disrespected as light trespass (unwanted light entering one’s property) invades our personal space, causing various negative effects (Chepesiuk, 2009). Moreover, our sustainable resources are also becoming compromised, as they are being rapidly depleted due to the millions of oil barrels wasted each year on illumination (U. S. Energy Information Administration, 2010). Although the ICN, CNA, and RNAO have not taken direct steps toward addressing light pollution, they have however been involved in tackling pollution in general. The ICN has made attempts to address the issue of pollution by collaborating with other groups, as well as educating others and advocating for changes to be made (ICN, 2008). They have tirelessly worked toward influencing decision makers, who encourage practices that pose threats to the health of humans, as well as the overall environment. The RNAO has also recognized that certain environmental factors, such as pollution, attribute to the disease and suffering within our world (RNAO, 2010). Given the seriousness of the consequences associated with pollution, the RNAO has decided to take a stance in protecting human health and the environment. As RNAO’s mandate is to advocate for healthy public policy, they have worked toward implementing the Environmental Protection Act, as well as the Green Energy and Green Economy Act, where resources are made available to conserve energy. RNAO’s mission is to create vibrant communities by building healthier environments, which involves reducing harmful pollutants in the environment. The RNAO recommendations include committing to aggressive targets in order to dramatically increase the green share of energy, and sharply reduce consumption through conservation. RNAO is also working toward making conservation and green energy priorities in planning, regulation, procurement and operation in Ontario. As well, the CNA has made attempts to resolve this issue by working toward making improvements within the current situation of the eco-system (CNA, 2005). CNA has become a member of the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care. They have also taken personal steps by making several changes to the CNA House, such as replacing light bulbs and old technology with more efficient energy alternatives. The rapid worldwide transmission of cultural images and lifestyle norms has undoubtedly contributed to the growing issue of light pollution. With the popularity of the Western world utilizing brightly lit advertisements to promote media images, the rest of the economically developed world has followed suit (Berg, 2009). This can be witnessed in Toronto’s Dundas Square, which is progressively becoming quite similar to New York’s Times Square, and works toward further perpetuating the 24/7 economy, where profits are the driving force behind the flashy advertisements. Although the advertisements are aesthetically pleasing, they portray the American ideal of consumerism and materialism, which limit the vision of the Ottawa Charter. As the corporations strive to entice the consumers, through wasteful resource practices, and increase their own profit margins, they are obliterating our environment via destabilizing the eco-system and destroying our resources (Ottawa Charter, 1986). The disruption of the star-studded dark skies by light pollution has contributed to the oppression of the world views of cultures living with a holistic relational earth-based planetary perspective. As the Western world increases light consumption at night, the visibility of stars decreases, hence oppressing cultures living with a planetary perspective that depend on stars at night for navigation (Native Women’s Association of Canada, 2007). Darkness at night is an important part of the environment and culture of people living with an earth-based perspective. Chief Seattle (1855) writes that the dark woods are holy to the experience of his people, and disrupting these natural dark conditions at night are factors that oppress his people. Darkness at night provides a pristine environmental setting that is preferred by many wildlife species and plants. In the process of polluting the environment with light, the Western world causes various detrimental effects on plants and animals, who suffer without natural darkness (Native Women’s Association of Canada, 2007). Harming these non-human citizens of the earth goes against the principles of Chief Seattle (1855), who notes that every part of the Earth is sacred for his people, where plants are their sisters and animals are their brothers. As the Western world continues to pollute the environment with light, it also opposes the traditional teachings of Chief Seattle (1855) to preserve the land for future generations. Light pollution not only causes disruptions to female reproductive cycles, but it also has the capacity to result in large-scale ecological changes (Longcore amp; Rich, 2004). The indigenous people embrace a sacred relationship with the natural world, having a deep respect, responsibility and obligation to nature and all forms of life (Peat, 1997). As the Western world continues to carelessly abuse light consumption without considering its consequences, this oppresses the indigenous cultures who believe in living in harmony and balance with the natural world (Peat, 1997). According to Ayres (2000), the impacts of human technology account for the phenomenon of the extinction of species, commonly referred to as the extinction spike. The extinction spike operates in the background of light pollution, as light pollution and artificial light have been linked to disruptions in reproduction, and decline and extinction of many species such as salamanders and frogs (amphibians), sea turtles (reptiles), birds, fireflies, and plants (Chepesiuk, 2009). This loss in biodiversity is the most dangerous threat to human security and to the sustainability of civilization because once these organisms are lost, they cannot be regained. The significance of the extinction of these species lies in that evolution depends on the availability of diverse species in order to form healthy ecosystems. Evolution also depends on a rich gene pool within species to help them adapt to various conditions. In turn, diminishing the biodiversity of species will not only destabilize our ecosystems, but could also limit our capacities to stay healthy and adapt (Ayres, 2000). It is important to note that reptiles carry important keys to our long-term survival on Earth, as they have been on the planet one thousand times longer than Homo sapiens (Ayres, 2000). As light pollution continues to decrease the biodiversity of plant and animal species who hold the key to cures and our survival, adverse consequences to human and planetary health will persist. In addition to the extinction spike, light pollution contributes to the carbon dioxide spike as well, as electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas). Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, leading to global warming and extreme weather events (Ayres, 2000). Moreover, as electricity and light are generated by the burning of fossil fuels, the utilization of fossil fuels leads to the consumption spike. The consumption spike refers to the depletion of Earth’s resources faster than the natural processes are able to regenerate them (Ayres, 2000). As can be seen, light pollution contributes to the extinction spike, the carbon dioxide spike, and in turn the consumption spike. The egocentric environmental paradigm holds currency with regard to light pollution. According to Kleffel (1996), the egocentric paradigm is grounded in the notion that the individual good is the highest good that will ultimately benefit society. Egocentrism is the guiding ethic of entrepreneurs and corporations, who use natural resources (fossil fuel) and light in order to maximize their economic gains. For instance, this is prevalent in advertising, where companies contribute to light pollution by using excessive illumination to promote their products and maximize profits (Narisada amp; Schreuder, 2004). Egocentrism is also portrayed by home owners, who illuminate their houses for purposes of aesthetics and appeal, thus focusing on what is good for themselves. There is a need to move away from the egocentric toward the ecocentric paradigm, as light pollution threatens the existence of both the living and non-living. Ecocentrism holds that the entire environment has intrinsic value. As everything in life is connected, unity exists between humans and the environment. Thus, we need to take care of the world by decreasing light pollution. In order to operationalize the shift in paradigms, we need to address light pollution by changing the day-to-day living habits of society in conserving our resources. Furthermore, we need to raise awareness of light pollution by talking to others and joining organizations that address light pollution issues (Muskoka Heritage Foundation, 2004a). We need to start locally in order to have a global effect. As such, everyone can do the minimal things that together can have an impact. It is interesting to note that the aspects limiting nurses’ actions on behalf of global health are that nurses generally do not understand the nterrelations between social, political, and economic structures and the origins of health and illness (Kleffel, 1996). Furthermore, nursing theories do not adequately describe the concept of the environment. According to Kleffel (1996), the environment is defined in relation to individuals, rather than having its own essence and intrinsic value. As egocentrism has dominated the Western culture, nurses adopted this approach into their theories. In turn, nursing care theories do not allow for much nonhuman interchange of care due to their anthropocentricity. According to Kleffel (1996), as the ecocentric view is only starting to inform the profession and has not yet achieved significant standing in nursing scholarship or practice, it will take time until nurses uphold the ecocentric principles toward actions on behalf of global health with regard to light pollution. Light pollution is just one of the many global issues affecting our ecology, human health, and economy today. Although it affects all inhabitants of our planet, this issue is particularly important to nurses, as it is directly related them. Research demonstrates that nurses working night shifts, who are constantly exposed to artificial lighting, have an increased risk of breast cancer (Cotter et al. , 2007; Davis, Mirick, amp; Stevens, 2001), as well as colorectal cancer (Navara amp; Nelson, 2007). The WHO (2007) has notes that shift work is extremely detrimental to our health, classifying it as a â€Å"probable carcinogen† (Cotter et al, 2007). These findings and many more, contribute to the ever growing research which suggests that hazardous conditions are prevalent throughout nursing. In the CNA Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses (2008) one of the responsibility statements indicates that â€Å"nurses [must] maintain their fitness to practice†, implying that it is the nurses’ obligation to maintain their own physical health. Thus, nurses must take action in addressing this issue. Furthermore, as it is a nursing responsibility to provide safe care and minimize harm, hospitalized patients are currently not receiving the competent care they deserve. As they too are being exposed to the ever-lightning hospital environments that negatively affect patient health, this provides an even bigger incentive for nurses to get involved. In addition to being holistically involved in maintaining our planetary health, we also have a moral commitment to care and advocate for all the non-human beings affected by light pollution. Fortunately, nurses possess a real capability to address this issue across all levels: individual, institutional, systemic, and societal. At a local level, we may advocate for efficient, less wasteful light sources in our homes and workplaces. We also can negotiate with decision makers at our institutions, regarding the maximal dimming of lights at night and turning them off whenever possible. Furthermore, at a systemic level, we can support and participate in the research addressing this issue, and further disseminate our knowledge among colleagues, patients, friends and neighbours via newsletters, posters, conferences, and lectures. At a societal level, nurses can lobby local governments with respect to developing sites which will reduce light pollution (Muskoka Heritage Foundation, 2004b). These numerous responsibilities should not overwhelm us, as we have effective tools to influence this problem. According to Keith (2008), full cut-off lighting fixtures allow for significant reductions in light pollution and the usage of lower wattage lamps, aid in decreasing the overall energy consumption and contribute to decreases in carbon dioxide emissions. As nurses, we have to remember the tenets of Florence Nightingale, who recognized the significance of physical conditions affecting human health and called on nurses to be actively involved in creating an environment which facilitates recovery (Beck, 2004). Nightingale implied that creating and sustaining healthy environment starts from the individual household and expands to the â€Å"development of health policies that would apply to larger populations† (Beck, 2004, p. 143), which determines our strategy for action. Falk-Rafael (2006) develops the ideas of Nightingale in applying them to our current situation of increasing global economic, political and cultural connections. She underlines the effects of the environment on human health, stating that 25% of disease and injury in the world is attributable to environmental decline. By indicating that â€Å"consumerism has become the dominant world faith† (Falk-Rafael, 2006, p. 11), she points out the main cause of light pollution, which is the glow of business/office building windows, and advertising signs (Berg, 2009). The proposal to shift the focus from profits to people (Falk-Rafael, 2006) is closely related to the objectives of our political actions to reduce light pollution. In addition, in recognizing that all planetary beings are ecological citizens (Falk-Rafael, 2006), she supports the idea that our ethical obligation as nurses is to protect the ealth and advocate for justice towards all non-human creatures. In researching this issue, we began to experience a great deal of responsibility, in terms of being advocates for ourselves, other humans, as well as the non-human citizens of our planet. It is become apparent to us that even simple things, such as turned on decorative lights, may have detrimental effects which can impact our entire ecosyste m. We all contribute to this issue; however, improving it is also in our hands. For this reason, we shared our ideas and emotions with one another, which were shaped and enriched by the new insights discussed in this course, and developed some statements (see Appendix) which express our thoughts pertaining to this topic. As statistics show that nighttime lighting has quadrupled in intensity, every decade since the 1960s (Dickinson, 2003), and about two thirds of the current world population live in areas where the night sky is above the threshold for polluted status (Cinzano, Falchi, amp; Elvidge, 2001), we have decided that we must all act immediately in our own ways. Ela expressed that in learning about the detrimental effects of this issue previously mentioned, she intends to take various actions in order to minimize lighting usage, including turning off the lights whenever possible and installing dark sky friendly lighting in her home. She also wishes to raise awareness of this issue by discussing it with others. Karina also shared that in learning about light pollution she began to realize the extent to which our world abuses the consumption of scarce resources, and inflicts harm on the planet. She was amazed that more is not being done to shed light on this issue, as it directly impacts the health of the human and non-human citizens on this Earth. She expressed that her intentions for action will be to share this acquired knowledge with other individuals, and commit to influencing policies and regulations at her prospective workplaces. Natalia stated that learning about this topic made her realize that much of what we do directly impacts our Earth. She expressed that she does not want to wait until the last star disappears from the night sky, and intends to act by participating in the next symposium held by the Muskoka Heritage Foundation, as no nurses were represented in the previous one. Elena revealed that she was afflicted by the continued usage of our precious resources. She was concerned that our world is knowingly using up energy and harming all sentient life, although it is unneeded. She expressed that she intends to act by making personal changes in her own use of lighting, as well as sharing this information with others, so that they can also make changes. We collaboratively agreed that we do not want to wait until the last star disappears from the night horizon. We believe that if all people join together and turn off the unneeded light, it will make a difference. We feel that we need to act now. We are nurses. We, all people, are nurses of this world. We are nursing this world. As nurses educated to care for others, we are responsible for educating ourselves and other people on how to nurture our world in our big global village, on a small and defenceless planet. References Ayres, E. (2000). The four spikes. Futures, 32, 539-554. Beck, D. -M. (2004). The lens of health determinants: Nightingale’s dual focus on negative and positive. In Dossey, B. M. , Beck, D. -M. , Selanders, L. C. , Attewell, A. Florence Nightingale Today: Healing, Leadership, Global Action. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association. Berg, R. (2009). Getting serious about light pollution. Journal of Environmental Health,  71(9),  46-48. Canadian Nurses Association (2005). Greening the Canadian Nurses Association. Retrieved March 5, 2010, from http://www. cna-aiic. ca/CNA/documents/pdf/ publications /Greening_CNA_e. df Canadian Nurses Association (2008). Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses. Retrieved March 24, 2010, from the CNA web site: http://www. cna-aiic. ca/cna/documents/pdf/publications/ Code_ of Ethics_2008e. pdf Chepesiuk, R. (2009). Missing the dark: Health effects of light pollution. Environmental Health Perspectives, 117(1), 20-27. Chief of Seattle (1855). A letter from Chief Seattle. Retrieved from NURS 4100 Cou rse Kit. Cinzano, P. , Falchi1, P. F. , amp; Elvidge, C. D. (2001). The first World Atlas of the artificial night sky brightness. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 328, 689–707. Cotter, T. , Perez, D. , Dessaix, A. , Baker, D. , Murphy, M. , Crawford, J. , Denney, J. , amp; Bishop, J. F. (2007). Cancer and lifestyle factors. Retrieved February 20, 2010, from the Cancer Institute web site: http://www. cancerinstitute. org. au/cancer_inst/publications/pdfs/pm-2007-01_cancer-and-lifestyle-report-2007. pdf Davis, S. , Mirick, D. K. , amp; Stevens, R. G. (2001). Night shift work, light at night, and risk of breast cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 93(20), 1557-1562. Dickinson, T. 2003). Naturalists of the night. Retrieved February 20, 2010, from the Muskoka Heritage Foundation web site: www. muskokaheritage. org Falk-Rafael, A. (2006). Globalization and global health: Towards nursing praxis in the global community. Advances in Nursing Science, 29(1), 2-14. International Council of Nurses (2008). Nurses, Climate Change and Health. Retrieved February 20, 2010, from http://www. ic n. ch/PS_E08_Nurses%20Climate%20Change. pdf Jakarta Declaration on Leading Health Promotion into the 21st Century (1997). Retrieved February 15, 2010, from http://www. ho. int/hpr/NPH/docs/jakarta_declaration_en. pdf Keith, D. (2008). Roadway lighting design for the optimization of UPD, STV and uplight. Journal of the IES , 29(2), 39-54. Kleffel, D. (1996). Environmental paradigms: Moving toward an ecocentric perspective. Advances in Nursing Science, 18(4), 1-10. Leuning, C. J. (2001) Advancing a global perspective: The world as a classroom. Nursing Science Quarterly, 14(4), 298-303. Longcore, T. , amp; Rich, C. (2004). Ecological light pollution. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2(4), 191–198. Muskoka Heritage Foundation. 2004a). Natural Heritage Program. Retrieved March 2, 2010 from the Muskoka Heritage Foundation web site: www. muskokaheritage. org Muskoka Heritage Foundation (2004b). Ecology of the night. Recommendations. Retrieved February 20, 2010, from the Mus koka Heritage Foundation web site: www. muskokaheritage. org Narisada, K. , amp; Schreuder, D. (2004). Light pollution handbook. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. Native Women’s Association of Canada (2007). Aboriginal women and the environment: Air, noise and light pollution. Retrieved March 2, 2010, from http://www. wac-hq. org/en/documents/nwac. air-noise-lightpollution. jun2007. pdf Navara, K. J. , amp; Nelson, R. J. (2007). The dark side of light at night: physiological, epidemiological, and ecological consequences. Journal of Pineal Research, 43(3), 215-224. Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986). Retrieved February 15, 2010, from http://www. who. int/hpr/NPH/docs/ ottawa_charter_hp. pdf Peat, D. F. (1997). Blackfoot physics and European minds. Futures, 29(6), 563-573. Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (2010). Creating vibrant communities: RNAO’s challenge to Ontario’s

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to get rid of the negative way of thinking

How to get rid of the negative way of thinking How to get rid of the negative way of thinking Have you ever thought that nothing seemed to go your way? Our mistake is that we always expect something disappointing to happen. We get exactly what we are thinking about. Modern people are so used to the negative mindset, that it seems that discouragement surrounds us all the time. The negativity is out of our control! It shouldn`t affect us so much. We have to switch on positive thinking and stop the influence of the negative energy. Try to nurture the positive mindset, removing the lack of optimism and putting yourself in the positive and peaceful frame of mind. You are the only person who is responsible for your own happiness. You will be definitely happy and successful, if you make yourself sure, that you can overcome everything. How to incorporate a positive mindset on a daily basis? Get ready for a positive change It is very important to assess your thinking and understand all the benefits of being a positive thinker. Try to write a list of what was special and unusual about the present day. Start charting all your achievements and keep a diary to reflect your thoughts. Surround yourself with everything positive Surround yourself with people, who think in a positive way and can teach you something. Read and watch everything that can inspire you and make you happy. Use various CDs and self-help books to learn how to feel yourself much better. Combat the negative thoughts Identify and become more aware of your automatic negative thoughts. Try to move them right out of your head. Try to find out, what caused them and what stimulates your negativity. Start to challenge your negative thoughts and replace them with the positive ones. Stop thinking, that you are personally to blame for everything, that goes wrong in the world. Always remember, that every situation has both its positive and negative side. Avoid catastrophizing. Start to live an optimistic life Give yourself time to change and don`t let yourself to fall back into the negative way of thinking. Become physically positive, changing you bodily habits in a positive way. It is very important to be mindful about your daily activities and choices. It will definitely make you feel happier. Express yourself, exploring your creative side. Communicate with positive people in order to feed your own positivity. Set meaningful goals and work hard to achieve everything you want. Always make time for fun and laughter. Believe in yourself Visualize all positive results in your mind. Raise your expectations.   Embrace the ‘I can’ attitude. You will definitely override the bad days, if you believe in your powers – power to change your way of thinking and power to change your way of life. It is your choice to have a positive outlook. If you don`t know, how to find the way out, just color your day with more hopeful and brighter approaches. Your worries and obstacles will be definitely transformed into solutions and possibilities. Positive thinking has a lot of benefits.   Your physical and mental well-being will be better and the resistance to the common cold will be greater. Your life span will increase and the chances of distress and depression will be lower. So, just embrace a positive mindset! Try to find everything positive and pleasant in every day of life. A positive attitude is the critical factor for your fulfilled life and success. Remain grateful even if you face disappointments, stay faithful even when all is hopeless. Give love even if you are unappreciated and trust in the power of positivity even in times of hardship.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Culture - Essay Example Under this spectrum, the paper will establish similarities and/or differences by exploring cultural or religious traditions, symbols, or beliefs from my cultural background. Findings depict that culture traverses along broad measures and as such, it can be or appear as a myriad of many things that ranges from the food people eat to the ways in which people dress. It can even seek to explain how to obtain and prepare the said food. There are large numbers of factors that influence an individual’s culture. However, common thoughts suggest that when one brings the issue of culture into a debate, culture becomes something that is very narrow and defined (Havilland 44). As such, certain people define it as simply an area in which one resides in. Note that, structures of a family that comprise of things such as habits of a community, expectations and gender roles can have great impact on the ways in which one looks upon another’s culture. The ethnic background of an individual or a group provides a stepping-stone towards regarding a particular type of culture. When grows in a family, he or she takes up after the ethnic background of the respective family. This means that, society influences someone’s cultural response towards laws, morals, and rules of that society. Following practices and adhering to rules of the given society shapes one’s way of life, which in turn explains his or her culture (Samovar, Porter, and McDaniel 102). Bear in mind that, when one becomes deviant of these rules and laws of the society as depicted by the culture, he or she is liable for punishment. With reference to this aspect, it becomes paramount for one to accept and learn the cultural laws and rules of the society that he lives in, in order to avoid unnecessary punishments (Havilland 61). Since our cultural baggage composes of a wide range of cultural belongings, our daily

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Monique and the Mango Rains Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Monique and the Mango Rains - Essay Example The town lacks running water in taps, trained doctors, have inadequate food, water and most people suffer from malaria, intestinal parasites and HIV aids. The book contains different instances of in equality, which occurs in marriage, family, economy, labor division and sexuality among others (Holloway & Bidwell, 2007). Gender inequality and social stratification from an anthropological perspective This refers to the classification method that groups sexes differently and it views women to be unequal in power, resources that they own, prestige and presumed worth. In this book, the author realizes dissimilar issues of gender inequality during her stay in Mali. There is gendered inequality in women whereby they face discernments in different areas thus lacking good opportunities to improve their status. Women face gender inequalities in health facilities while complying with their traditional role of child bearing hence seeking for assistance from traditional birth entourages. This bir th giving method endangered Malian Manianka women as they stayed in labor pain for a very long period and the midwife had no painkillers to relieve the pain. Based on diminishing health facilities that assist women while giving birth, most of them suffered from genital ablation while still in their childhood stages. The inequality that existed among the Malian Manianka women caused too many losses. This is because one in every twelve women died while giving birth and one in every fifteen children died at birth. The town also had rape instances, whereby Monique tells that her first sex experience was through rape (Holloway & Bidwell, 2007). The book illustrates a high rate of inequality in the marriages among people of Malian Manianka, because women do not get married willingly and they lack satisfaction. According to the author, women faced many problems generating from their communities. Women of this town had no permission to decide when to get married; instead, their parents forc ed them at a very young age. After getting married, women gave birth to many children, and they were banned from using contraceptives, which made Mali a very populated country in Africa. Marriages had gender violence mainly to those women that failed to accomplish their traditional role of child bearing. In this village, immediately after a woman gives birth, she only stays for few hours and resumes to her normal roles. This shows how men in Malian Manianka are not concerned with their marriages by not carrying on the women’s duties after birth to allow them recover. There is inequality among families in this town because no one has permission to choose his/her preferred family; instead, the community chooses for them. Monique the midwife is an example of such family whereby her marriage resulted from the cultural practice of choosing husbands. This resulted to infidelity in her marriage as Monique had an affair with Pascal the man that she loved in order to get satisfaction. Franois husband to Monique failed to meet his parental responsibilities by not providing his family with basic needs (Holloway & Bidwell, 2007). Instances of gender in equality in this book are also common to families. This is because most women in the book are unhappy in their marriages, but they cannot divorce their

Monday, November 18, 2019

Strabag Construction Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Strabag Construction Company - Essay Example The firm that is analyzed in the paper is Strabag Construction Company, a multinational construction company that conducts large scale operation and construction activities on a global scale. The company since 1891 is found to perform a large number of construction projects in about 60 countries on a global scale. Construction activities of the company fall in the niche and classical construction categories and ranges from both large scale infrastructural to the completion of building projects to other civil engineering project activities. Strabag’s locus of business operation mainly centers on countries pertaining to continents like Asia, Africa and other Middle East nations. The company also boasts of its large pool of multi-cultural human resources that has helps the concern to gain around 12.8 billion Euros on an annual scale. This company focusing on different categories like civil, infrastructure and building projects is eyeing on Russia to gain a new market in future. H ere the company though faced with initial setbacks owing to economic and infrastructural constraints is endeavoring to develop its hold through separate strategies. A formal look at the research objectives suggests that for the research in question there is a need for both primary and secondary research activities. In regards to secondary research the paper focuses on the company website along with other supportive literary sources like books and online articles. The use of secondary research activities is recommended for it helps in gaining access to a large scale of authentic data through the use of internet. This practice in turn helps in saving both cost and time and also acts as a formidable support to primary research activities (McQuarrie 35). However the research activity also focuses on conducting a primary research to gain meaningful insight into the practical scenario of the company’s expansion to Russia. Primary Research activity is conducted through designing a s et of questionnaires based on which an interview would be taken of the managers of the company (Czinkota and Ronkainen 253-254). The questions would be prepared for conducting an interview on a sample size of 30 respondents that would comprise of senior and middle level managers of the company. Inference would be drawn in regards to the manager’s understanding of the Russian construction market and the strategies taken thereof to counter emerging constraints. Secondary Research The secondary researc

Friday, November 15, 2019

Motion Control Techniques In Visual Effects Industry Film Studies Essay

Motion Control Techniques In Visual Effects Industry Film Studies Essay In this research we will see the motion control rigs and its contribution to create the realistic movement of the camera with help of the computer softwares. Though it is very difficult at the student level to create such a rig and experiment with it with the available budget I will try to build a motion control rig and control it with the help of the computer programming. It is a long process. The main advantage of the motion control rig is it is able to reproduce the same movement very accurately in a short period of time which is highly impossible for human hand to achieve. This report will contain the information about the motion control rig and its uses with advantages over the traditional camera cinematography to achieve the visual effects in the film. Introduction Motivation The filmy camera action which is solely dependent on the work and instincts of the cinematographer is very difficult work and if you want to shoot the same scene with same action and the camera movement it is highly impossible to achieve that with a traditional camera work. Even if you try to create that action in the computer graphics software it is very difficult and time taking process, which requires too many efforts to achieve the goal. The main disadvantage of that is if you are not able to do it perfectly it can spoil all the work, time and money invested because the film wont look like as you have imagined finally. So its a big loss of the everyones work process. The most recent technological improvement to solve the problem which too many studios are facing is they are developing their own hardwares and motion control rigs which can be controlled by the computer systems and can store the movement of the camera which a cameraman is handling physically. So the person can achieve whatever motion he wants repeatedly that to naturalistic. But everyone cant afford these all the things to do and the person who is doing that must have sound knowledge of all the departments to build a motion control rig which needs to be done by experts. So subject is if this motion control system can be used at an affordable price to explore the ideas by the low budget and new comers film makers to experiment with visual effects. Definition of Motion Control In our day to day life if we go and check out the technology related to the entertainment segment you might hear very complex terms as multipass , go motion, slit scan, streaking which you might not be aware of but you have actually seen it on the screen in the movies and TV advertisements for example the Star Wars etc. The technology of the Motion control system is developed for the need of creating the visual effects and animation and to have more control over it with the help of the computer programs. So motion control is the medium of technology to combine all the elements needed to create the amazing world of the special effects. As you are controlling the motion of the camera with help of the computer programs you have more options and ideas to create a movement is an added advantage. The main advantage of the motion control systems that it repeats the same action with great accuracy and that is the reason this technology is being favored nowadays by most of the film makers. Many of us may argue with possibility that the actions which we can shoot easily with the motion control systems can be shoot by the traditional cameraman with the efforts but the accuracy level of that action wont be the same at any level that shot been produced because we are shooting it with human hands with some limitations. And also it takes more time for completing the shot if you do it manually. The main motive of using the motion control system is to produce the naturalistic camera movement within a short time and at the affordable cost to get the amazing output for the films.. Motion control, is the foundation upon which maximum visual effects work stands (Alex Alvarez, Director at Gnomon) In this research report the main area of study is to explore the techniques used in the motion control systems and how those are far better than the traditional methods of shooting for creation of the visual effects. The literature study for the motion control systems will include the history of the motion control system and need for it and the future of the same. We will also focus on the use of the different cameras to be used on the motion control rigs and how that helps in the pre visualization stage previously. The last part of my research will conclude the main motive for this dissertation is how this technology gives more control and plays a vital role and also how it is a great tool or opportunity for the low budget film makers and new comers to create the new world of the visual effects. Motion control the name itself derives that it is meant to be use to get control over the motion or movement which can be the change in the position of the camera or might be the rotation of the axis of the camera in the space. As explained above if we wish to create the wonderful world of the special effects it is the need to be accurate with our actions at the stage of the production while shooting the footage. This is the place where exactly the motion control plays the most important role to give the accurate and the repetition of the action or movement. But in earlier times because of lack of the knowledge and technology the reliability of the Motion control systems was an issue and the reason for not getting its credit for its vital role in the production stage. If you try out and go back to history you will find the only other option to create the spectacular special effects is to use the computer softwares and the virtual cameras in that which is highly complicated and a very much time consuming process which also requires the expertise in the softwares. The Significance of Motion Control to the Film Industry The significance and importance of motion control to the film industry, includes the research done with help of the literature and industry news along with views of the professional people in interviews. The people had very different views regarding the role of the motion control systems in the movies as well as its necessity to the industry. After doing this research I came to an approach that if you really wish to the movie with motion control rig it should be built very professionally and with quality materials or else if you do it with the temporary basis structure it is not reliable at any point to create the good output as you have expected or imagines with a waste of money and time. The importance of the motion control systems for the film industry should be observed and clarified on the basis of its previous success and the failure reports and not on the persons likes and dislikes about the use of the technology. You can see the impact of the movies recently made on the viewers minds because of the spectacular world of the special effects is because of the use of the motion control system. I would say it is not the most important aspect as before use of motion control systems, films were made just fine but it gives film makers more options with what they can do with cameras (M. Thompson, personal communication, March 25, 2010). Here the point to be noted is that technology is not the ultimate source but just the medium that it helps to tell the story in a very different and a strong perspective. That is the contribution of the motion control systems to the film industry. Motion control has given too much freedom to control the movement of the cameras while shooting. If you go back to history and check out if the films which were the greatest hits of all the times with the spectacular special effects would never have been possible without use of technology of the motion control system. So you can imagine the really ordinary version of the Star Wars with the usual special effects as in any TV serials. Because of the strong advantages of the motion control system nowadays it has started to make its own place now in the production pipeline of the VFX film industry very rapidly. And this is the need for the todays style of filmmaking as it is the different and very strong medium to convey the story in more beautiful way. The difference between a failed shot and a spectacular shot can often boil down to the camera movement (A. Hargreaves, personal communication, March 31, 2010). Research Questions and hypothesis 1. Reason for Using Motion Control Motion control is a system technology that enables the programming and repetition of the motion of the cameras very accurately .The advantage of this technology is we can shoot various special effects shots in very less time instantly, which are highly impossible to create without Motion Control or can only be possible to do using a non-moving camera. With the help of Motion control we can get really natural and stunning looking shots like we want to move the camera in a scene to follow a pattern of subject or an action, so it plays a very vital role while shooting. I will give one example of the special effect which is pretty simple as a scene including a guy is just walking on a road and gradually starts disappeared into air while walking. This is can be done by shooting 2 takes. In the first take the guy will walk on the road and in the second take will be the road. In the process of editing the editor will take the two takes and will merge with each other slowly so that it appear s like a guy is disappeared in the air. This kind of shot is quite simple to achieve only if the camera is steady, but when there is the movement of camera this shot is not possible without the Motion Control because the 2 takes shot will not match in perspective and speed so we cannot merge it. Like this with the motion control we can shoot innumerable scenes of the special effects. 2. Use of motion Control in live action films In live action films we have to concentrate on too many things at a time. Motion control system can repeat the camera movement properly and accurately which includes change of focus, zooming and sometimes to control the lights so all important work is done by the motion control rig so the director can focus on the actors mainly and their acting without any worry about camera movements and continuity. This is a very beneficial reason for using motion control rig as it saves money and also the time. This is more useful when you have hired very talented actors you can set up all the settings and camera movements so when the actors come on the sets you can start the shoot right away for saving the time. 3. Setting up a movement on a Motion Control System Since many years people and technicians have developed various methods for setting up the movements on the Motion control rig. Which I understood I have divided them in parts for better understanding. 1) Direct enter movement-Traditionally the person has a remote control to control the rig and he sets it up at the position from which he wants to start and fix the position by the remote control. After fixing the start position he will move the rig to next position where he intends it to be at and again with remote control he saves that place. This king of camera movement setup gives movement along 3 points. Usually to shoot any shot 2 to 5 points is necessary. Those points on the motion path are joined by the computer using software. While setting up this move the person decides for that scene the number of frames to be taken and with which speed the camera should move. Then you can be ready for the shooting. 2)The Mimic movement-For this movement a hardware is available which allows the person to set up the movement by pushing the rig like crane or dolly and with the help of wheels to record the movement been done. As soon as the movement has been set you can repeat it at your desirable speed like other movements. Whenever a director wants the hand held feel for the movement or for the unpredictable behaviors for animals make use of this hardware to set up a movement. 3) The movement imported from CGI packages- If you are friendly with CG software as Softimage/Xsi and Maya you can decide and create the own movement and import those in the motion control system. With the help of this you can do very unique and complicated movements also. 4. Advantages of the Motion Control in Post production Post production part of the film depends on the very well shot scenes. Motion Control is behind the scenes master for the special effects which enables the scenes from the physical world to be merged and layered with the software help and effects. Motion control is a production device because of this all the people give more importance and credit for the special effects to the computer graphics software but cant understand that without the important role of the motion control footage these special effects wouldnt have been so special. The additional advantage of using the motion control is that it gives the accurate movements and perspective so it becomes easy to export that to software directly so that the scenes can be composed and merged together very easily. 5. Accuracy count of the Motion Control The movement of the each axis which is controlled motion is measured to an extent of micron level which is done with the help of optical encoders the electronic machines attached to the motors which is too fine extent that is visible to eyes. Due to the heat generated by the heavy and bright lights the metals with which the rigs are made up of tend to expand. As the measurement is too small it affects the calculation. But this doesnt happen so often. 6. Tracking verses Motion Control The calculation which the tracking gives for the position of camera in space is derivable only forms 2d footage. The condition on which the foreground and background elements can be merged with the live action footage is position and path of the camera. In motion control system first we shoot with the rig and then calculate the camera path movement and export it to the software. As the motion control camera system is aware of the position of the camera in space very accurately its very simple, convenient and faster to export the data to the softwares. The need for the motion control cannot be deleted by the tracking concept because of its accuracy and complicated camera movements. Motion control is the one and only one solution for the desired result of multiple pass scenes. The concept of tracking is heavily dependent on the fixed markers in the background to calculate the movement of the camera path. Sometimes these markers are difficult to see because the markers wont be in focus or they will be out of the frame so it wont work out according to wish. Actually we can use the previous tracking data calculation to export it to the motion control path of the camera which can be available as element for the foreground in live action shoot. This can be useful in the film industry especially for new comers to experiment the old moves with new technology again. 7. Benefit of Motion Control in pre visualization The significance of the pre visualization of the shot while designing and planning the film is increasing day by day. Pre visualization gives the perspective of the producer, director and cinematographer of the look of the final scene. The pre visualization stage eliminates the chances of the heavy and costly mis understandings, helps to prepare the shot, enables the set designers to calculate the space for the sets, positioning of the sets, enables the cameraman for the better understanding of the lights to be used in a scene, so ultimately it saves the time and lots of money. So the camera movement which can be fixed like this can be directly given to the motion control camera system rig as it has been visualized previously in the pre visualization stage. 8. List of cameras can be used on Motion control rig The motion control rig can handle most number of the film cameras with different sizes and weights. The cameras best suitable for the motion control are as follows- 1. Fries Mitchell 2. Mitchell 3. Arri 435s 4. Arri IIIs 5. Movie cam 6. Compacts 7. Panavision 8. Broadcast video cameras and camcorders 9. HD video cameras. 9. Different motion control systems The 1st is named as Cyclops which is studio based motion control system. This is considered as the best suitable system for motion control. It has unique qualities as it is extremely rigid, it can attain the high speed motion around 4 m/s and also can attain the high heights as more than 7m lens. The 2nd one is named as Milo which is a large system with portability. The main advantage of its design that it can be easily moved from one location to other comfortably because you can build it very quickly compared to other rigs and also dismantles it easily. It can give speed very closer to the speeds of the Cyclops, but it cant attain that much height as it is very small. The Milo has another option for the longer reach is that it has a longer arm. But the point of concern is it is not as rigid as the Cyclops. The 3rd one is named as Juno. It is the smallest rig, which is portable as well. It has a fixed arm. It contains a head with parallelogram to keep it to the level. The advantage of its design that can be easily accommodate in a very less space which can fit thorough the standard doorways. So because of this advantage you can shoot comfortably I the commercial complexes and buildings. As compared to Milo it has less height and reach than Milo. 10. Reliability of the Motion Control System While designing the motion control rigs the main concern is always the reliability. If you go and check out the pages from history you will get to know that people had misbelieve in the motion control systems because of the failure of the equipment to work at the proper time when needed. That got the motion controls very bad names in few countries because of many home made motion control systems assembled to give quick and cheap deals to satisfy the persons needs at that time. When we are shooting the quality product we cant deal with such thing to compromise with reliability of the parts. So regularly it should maintain and if any issues they can be solved quickly and completely. Cyclops and Milo rigs have got the very good name and reliability in the film industry. Background History Overview of Motion Control Motion Control and the computer used to control require different calculations or work processes. Even though these processes come from different areas of research they quickly became linked for purposes such as VFX. The US defense department first developed the concept of motion control for use in missile guidance systems. The earliest VFX use of motion control is perhaps in 1985 at the famous NYIT graphics lab Tom Brigham and J.P. Lewis implemented a rig (Seymour, M. 2004) The advancements in technology as well as developments in CPU and graphics speed started to make video editing and VFX production possible to the film industry. In a storytelling process person needs to show too many imaginary illusions to convey the story more beautifully. To show and express these illusions we have been gifted with one technology that is term called as special effects, which are usually used in film, television, theater, or entertainment industries. The concept of Special effects is categorized divided into the parts named as of optical effects and mechanical effects. As the years passed the film industry has grown with too many technologies mainly the digital techniques because of which we are now enable to realize the difference between the special effects and visual effects. The visual effects mean the one which are created during the process of the post production digitally. The special effect means those are created with the help of the cameras mechanically on the sets while shooting. The computer graphics has been playing important role with special effects from the period of 1990s.The main advantage of the computer graphics is that it allows the filmmakers to get rid of the traditional limitations to create the effects and gives more control over it which is more convenient and fine to achieve with the help of this technique. This technology saves money and time both at the greater extents many of the special effects which we used to create mechanically are went to lower hand by the computer graphics. The first motion picture special effect to be considered as was the time in 1857 when Oscar Gustave Fletcher Rejlander combined the different parts of the 32 photographs in one image. The first commonly granted special effect in the industry was in 1895 by Alfred Clark .At the time of shooting for a reenactment of the beheading of Mary, Queen of Scots an instruction of to step up to the block in Marys costume was given to the actor. In that scene when the executioner came with the axe above his head, the camera was stopped, he told all the actors to freeze, and instructed the person playing Mary to go off the set. Then the trick was replacement of the dummy in Marys place instead of the actor. Then the next shot was the axe coming down to cut the head of the dummy by the executioner. Suchà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ techniques would remain at the heart of special effects production for the next century (Rickitt). Special effects technology was grown and reconstructed by the motion pictures company in the period of the 1920s and 1930s. Most of the effects techniques were created and improvised the methods of illusions from the background of the theaters like ghosts made up of papers and still photography like as double exposure and matte compositing. The idea was to use the painted backgrounds as the projections and to replace them with the moving pictures. In those times they used to create faces with life casting with the help of the usual mask making. They used to create awesome masks which would fit the actor perfectly. After the science of materialization improved and that gave more depth for horror film mask making. The greatest evolution for the special effects was the amazing success of the science fiction and fantasy films in 1977.The film Star Wars created by George Lucass unlashed an era of fantasy films with expensive and awesome special effects. That times special effects supervisor was John Dykstra, A.S.C.He and his crew did many improvements in technology. For the movies needs they created a motion controlled camera rig named as Dykstraflex. It created the wonders at that time as repetition of the motion which drastically enhanced the compositing the matte. The film images went through the process of the degradation by the use of other innovative techniques: For the widescreen images photography that to horizontal with the stock they used the cameras named Vista vision on that rig .They used the more length of the film per frame rate and for the compositing part they used thin films with emulsions. In the same year, the movie named Close Encounters of the Third Kind creation of Steven Spielberg burst out with amazing special effects. Those were the creation of veteran Douglas Trumbull. They developed their own motion control rig system. They also introduced the term lens flare which is intentional and created by the reflection of light in the camera lenses. That was intentionally done to create the shapes of the flying saucers. The main reason for the investment in the special effects was the grand success of these films. That created so much buzz turned into opportunities for the special effects studios and the birth of the computer graphics. As the years passed the film industry has grown with too many technologies mainly the digital techniques because of which we are now enable to realize the difference between the special effects and visual effects. The visual effects mean the one which are created during the process of the post production digitally. The special effect means those are created with the help of the cameras mechanically on the sets while shooting. Methodology This dissertation researches the integration of motion control techniques in the film industry. As for the artefact itself, conclusions drawn from the research will provide guidance as well as technical knowledge. The information acquired from the interviews of industry active personnel in areas of motion control will create the basis of the shots. Each shot will have an in depth description of its particular approach and reasoning, as well as problems and techniques used to achieve a solid track. These approaches evaluate and support the information that has been derived from both primary and secondary research. Primary Research In order to receive relevant, accurate and up to date information, the primary research for the evaluation and interpretation of the research questions was based on contacts and interviews with industry professionals. These interviews were conducted in different manners according to the flexibility and time of these sources. These included email questionings, telephone conversations. Although the question order and wording may vary, all interviews contain similar areas of focus and question principles. The following individuals where included in the questioning: 1. Mr. Ramdas A. Dale (General Manager Productions, Amtek Engineers PVT LTD.) 2. Mr. Rahul S. Sharma ( The questions asked were specifically designed to not only aid with specific techniques needed to produce an artifact, but also to highlight any problem areas that might be encountered during use of motion control rig in a professional environment. The main area of research discussed in the introduction of this paper still stands and the key investigation into The integration of motion control system in the film industry remains. Evaluating Primary research The primary research conducted by these questions was categorized into 6 subject areas. This approach was necessary in order to structure the information received for either secondary research approaches, or technique evaluation. The main headings of the primary research evolutions are: 1. The term Motion Control 2. Motion Control for VFX 3. The work of a motion control rig 4. Tricks and problems 5. The Importance of Motion Control to the Film Industry 6. The future of Motion Control Secondary Research The secondary research involves the assessment of motion control literature in order to support the primary research on a more technical level. The main methodology and reasoning for this research, is to show a good understanding of some subject areas discussed in the primary research, as well as how to use the motion control rig for low budget films. This will further aid in the understanding and problem solving. The technique of motion control is there since countable years but now is the time when this technology can be available in a affordable cost with which at least we can I mean low budget film makers can think of using it as a great tool for the shoot and experiment thoroughly. Earlier days the cost of a completely-featured computerized animation camera was up to Rs.90000000. Now a days the Motion control system is available for under Rs.540000.For shooting this type of work if you hire a camera it costs around Rs.3500 per hour and more and if you compare that with above price can consider as 270 hours of shoot with motion control. If you compare the shots per hour with motion control you can shoot 45 minutes of movie as the film camera will shoot 10-12 seconds of film in an hour. The motion control systems require the test shoots so if you count the final shooting output will be around 25 minutes. This is the reason you can think of getting your motion control rig which can pay for it in a comparatively less time. That has other side advantage of experimenting more on your own ideas for more time. The main advantage of using this technology is you can own less priced system and can get direct and great entry into more comprehensive and awesome field of TV and media. That too is a best opportunity to low-budget filmmakers who can improvise new and unique techniques. Newcomers can make most use of the camera productively and they save money for the studio who wants get a break in this industry. There are two options which are available for the shooting of the films. One is Cameraman and the other is motion control rig. Everyone one of them consists of the parts namely: the system, the added electronic devices to control the movement by the motors and computer softwares, the person controls the motors with the help of the systems to get the special effects. Each option uses the name of the brand and computer systems to get control over the movement of the axes, motion paths. Usually a cameraman will use the number of action will be and he uses a computer. In The motion control rig it consists of 3 or 6 or more axes to create the motion and it uses the computer systems as IBM or Apple. The package of the motion control rig and computer with which it can control 6 axes and computer software costs almost Rs.540000. The package of the Cameraman and computer system and motion along the 6 axes and computer software at the most about Rs.440000. The computer software package which the cameraman uses has more features like the streak mode along with fitting of curve. The other thing is the electronic devises he uses are made up of very simple design so the advantage is it has less maintenance. The studios with big budgets can be more comfortable and reliable with motion control rigs if they have a strong history of developing the large motion control systems and to work with them. Future Work My research will primarily concern itself with translating physical camera action with motion control rig in an extraordinary way. The functionality and usefulness of the motion control can be greatly expanded in the future. Opportunities for future work could include developing a real-time depth of field preview that would allow for realistic focal length changes to be made using the motion control system camera, adding an additional level of intuitive control to motion of camera. Reprogramming other controls of the motion control to make it more self-sufficient. Scope and limitations Results I got an approach to that how can I use the motion control system for the low budget movies. That is possible if I can get a good configured personal computer and make the motion control rig by myself. To build a motion control rig you have to have the sound knowledge of the different parts of engineering such as electrical, computers and mechanical engineering and the vast effects. If you cant do it on your own you may get help from your engineer friends who might be interested in all this stuff. Motion control creates too many visual illusions which are extraordinary and amazing which may be we can create by the duplication of the images formed in the computer systems. At the moment the motion control system is quite affordable but it will be vast in the future. In fact as soon as the less priced motion control systems will get evolved the main advantage will be for the new film makers to emerge as great as possible with the amazing special effects treatment which will let the audience and viewers to get entry into to the next world of magic created by you. Conclusion Over the course of this di

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Throughout this semester in philosophy I’ve come to realize one thing for sure, that one thing being that philosophy doesn’t not easily come defined. While reading all the works of Plato one comes to the realization that philosophy as an activity is like trying to see both sides of a door at the same time. There are many different types of doors and way to look at all of them. There are so many different types of ways to define philosophy. Plato had always been worried about the basic philosophical problem of figuring out the art of knowing and living. His goal of the great dialogues was to show the relationship between the soul and the state. This is the compelling theme of the great dialogues; the Republic, Phaedo, Symposium, Phaedrus,and Philebus. In the Republic Plato shows how justice within the individual can best be realized through the likeliness of the operation of justice within the state. Plato continues to set out in his idea of the ideal state. But, he realizes that philosophically justice simply can’t be fully understood unless seen in a spectrum to the concept of the good, which is the supreme principle of order and truth. In the Republic, Plato shows how sometimes philosophy is like trying to look at both sides of a regular door, when maybe you should be trying to look at both sides of carousel swinging door. Plato also argues for the reality of ideas as the only way to be sure of ethical standards and of objective scientific knowledge. In the Republic and the Phaedo Plato suggests his theory of forms. Ideas or forms are the established archetypes of all phenomenon, and these ideas are the only thing completely real and true; the physical world holds only relative reality for the time being. The forms are simply ... hidden. This relates to the philosopher ruling because they understand the Utopia the same way you are able to see and understand all aspects of a uninstalled door. Philosophy as an activity is not simply a way of living like many people have come to believe. It’s a journey, a journey where the philosopher finds them selves constantly thinking. Constantly thinking and questioning authority until you get what you are looking for in a statement. Philosophy in so many ways is similar to trying to look at the inside and outside of a door at once. At first you may think it can’t be done, but then you ask question, which reveal answers and outlets that lead to more question and you realize that there are so many more ways to look at the door, so many more ways to look at the world. So many more ways to look at philosophy. Philosophy as an activity is looking at a door.